Legal Info: Trade Mark, Designs, Product Images

"Amul" is a registered EU trademark of HUB.NRW - EUIndia Invest GmbH, Germany and/or its affiliates.

In addition, HUB.NRW - EUIndia Invest GmbH also holds registered EU designs which entitle it to use Amul logos, lettering and product images.

Irrespective of this, the following applies according to practised trademark and competition law:

An importer and its customers are entitled to use a trademark, logos and product images as part of the measures to successfully market the products.

This is also a logical requirement, especially if a brand and products are to be placed in the established and large-volume mainstream retail markets.

If an exporter (here the Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd (Amul India)) does not wish to do so, he/she should not export/sell his/her products to an importer.

However, if he/she (the exporter) does so, then the rationale for large volume sale/direct export to an importer must surely be fundamentally questioned.

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